American Union of Swedish Singers

Translations of Swedish Songs (T-Z)

Till mitt hem (To My Home)
To my home I shall return now,
To my dearest native land.
Here I dream about my own life,
Guided by my mother dear.
Oh, my homeland
I now greet you.
From afar I will now greet you.
Dear home, I you remember,
Shall I ever see you more?

Your mountains and your valleys,
Your river rapids and their roars
Always speak to me; and so
Do the forests sad, sad sough.

Tonerna (The Tunes)
Thoughts is their travail the long night through,
Music, for peace, they turn to you.
Heart that is wearied by din of the day that has passed,
Finds in you, music, its refuge at last.

Uti vår hage (Out in Our Meadow)
Out in our meadow blueberries grow.
Come, heart's joy!
If you want me, meet me there!


Come lilies and columbine;
Come roses and salvia!
Come sweet curly mint,
Come heart's joy!

Fair small flowers invite us to dance
Come, heart's joy!
If you'd like, I'll bind you a wreath.

(Repeat chorus)

Out in our meadow there are flowers and berries.
Come, heart's joy!
But out of all the dearest to me you are.

(Repeat chorus)

Tr: Ellen Svengalis

Vals i Valparaiso (Waltz in Valparaiso)
Sea! Under bending palms I saw
How wave upon wave
Surging against Chile’s rocky beaches
Came rolling in.

Oh! The roaring when a gleaming surge
Found me and embraced me!
Oh, when the dolphin dove among the coral
And a wine-red dress was mine!

Then was sung there in Valparaiso a sweet little song
Rosita! Chilenita!
In the sea, in the quiet sea stands the shark ready to leap.
Rosita! Chilenita!

The Condor on the Cordill grim. Ya-ha.
And the snakes begin to rattle in Ta-ra-pa-ca!

And seven happy seamen rounded the Horn today,
And all want Rosita!

Oh, when I began to recognize my land
From the mountain, to seashore, and with my hand
On the globe followed the boundaries
From Peru to Cape Horn!

On, when I found I was only a guest
Among the small red Indians which my forefathers,
Soldier and clergyman alike
Subdued with gunpowder and turret.

Vem kan segla förutan vind? (Who can sail without wind?)
Who can sail without wind?
Who can row without oars?
Who can be separated from his friend
without shedding tears?

I can sail without wind,
I can row without oars,
but not separated from my friend
without tears.

Våren kom en Valborgsnatt (Spring Came One Walpurgis Night)
Spring came one Walpurgis Night,
Stealthily through the forest,
With a drop of thaw and with buds
Of sallow wreathed in the hair.
In between tatters of snow,
The ground was ready for grass and
Anaemones to grow in her glittering footprints.
Everything waited silently for the glow
Of a new day on the eastern rim
Then came the stream and sane her merry songs.
“I’ll break her!” the north wind roared.
“So often she has troubled me. Let her be gone!”
But through cheerful, green archways came laughter,
The babbling of water – at the lukewarm
Sight of the south wind
And the murmur of the trees in the morning.

Vårvindar friska (Fresh Spring Breezes)
Spring breezes crisp are, frolic and whisper
All through the garden like lovers twain;
Streams rush and hurry, never they tarry
Till like a storm-wave ocean the gain.
Beat, oh my heart, hear harp-notes that sign,
There 'mongst the cliffs they linger and die.
Now is the sprite heard,
Sad notes the nightbird
Pours over hill and dale.

Vänskap (Friendship)
What is friendship? Can it be explained?
The gaze that says: We are friends.
Rarely we talk about what we know,
We just know it, know it. We’ll remain friends.

Maybe with the years we rarely see each other,
Do not meet often, separated again.
But when we meet, you are the same.
We both know that our friendship will last.

It gives me joy that you are in the world,
that we can come together and separate so.
Without phrases, obvious and easy.
Imagine that such a gift you can get out of life.

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